BLOG December 22, 2015 by Jo Hingley
A day in the life of a CHKS accreditation client manager – Geraldine Reynolds
BLOG December 18, 2015 by Gary
The case for greater transparency in commissioning of specialised services by Paul Fitzsimmons
BLOG December 18, 2015 by Gary
Variation in performance is something we see from month to month by Jason Harries
BLOG December 18, 2015 by Gary
Award winning trusts involve their clinicians in the analysis of local activity data
BLOG December 18, 2015 by Gary
SHMI is a good starting point, but is one in a basket of indicators that can be used to highlight areas for further investigation
BLOG December 18, 2015 by Gary
Rising to the 2015 agenda – The CHKS view by Jason Harries
BLOG December 18, 2015 by Gary
More hospitals recording acute care patients with a history of dementia
BLOG December 18, 2015 by Gary
Total emergency admissions fall by a fifth at the weekend
BLOG December 18, 2015 by Gary
Time is running out for scientific and diagnostic services accreditation
BLOG December 18, 2015 by Gary
In response to Roy Lilley – yes, we need to make better use of the data and information we already have
BLOG December 18, 2015 by Gary
Simon Steven's five year plan has its first poster child in what is becoming known as ‘Devo Manc’ by Jason Harries.
BLOG December 18, 2015 by Gary
Moving the debate from cost to value by Jason Harries
BLOG December 18, 2015 by Gary
How we have moved on from winter pressure to all year round pressure by Jason Harries