Benchmark your commissioning activity
Faced with rising demand, ever tightening financial constraints and overall responsibility for commissioning appropriate high quality services on behalf of their local patient populations, CCGs need reliable timely information to support the tough decisions they have to make every day.
Our new iCompare for Commissioners tool allows CCGs to understand the amount of activity commissioned for their local populations compared to what we would expect to see. This can show whether CCG funding is appropriate and being spent in the right places.
This ‘expected versus actual’ analysis along with benchmarking capability enables CCGs to start having crucial conversations with their GPs. Analysis can be done by condition, CCG and GP to identify where improvements could be made in a range of areas such as readmissions, excess bed days and cost. A summary view of Sustainability and Transformation Plan (STP) level performance can also be obtained.
What does iCompare for Commissioners allow you to do?
- Benchmark commissioning activity based on the expected demands of the population
- Compare the quality, efficiency and outcomes of the acute providers you commission to - using national, best in class or locally selected peer groups
- Evaluate the appropriateness of the investment in the range of services being commissioned - based on programme budget categories, treatment function or condition benchmarked with external peers
- Track GP referral patterns and costs to ensure they align with local plans
- Monitor patient flow within the local health system to identify inappropriate pathways or care settings across primary and secondary care and assess their financial impact
- Identify unwarranted variations in performance such as cost, quality and activity against annual plans and the underlying factors - allowing any remedial action to be taken to close the gaps
- Improve annual planning, future commissioning and service target setting by providing a benchmarked derived evidence base to underpin assumptions
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