1. Unrivalled experience

Our 25 years' experience in healthcare intelligence, benchmarking and quality improvement services gives CHKS clients the insight to improve performance and delivery of care.

2. Expert support

Our dedicated subject matter experts support every client to help them understand how data can be turned into actionable information for improvement.

3. Rapid data collection and processing

Data submitted directly from your organisation can be quality checked and made available to Trusts within 48 hours which allows early review of this information and prompt investigation, or data resubmission.

5. We help you understand and improve

We are the only healthcare information and improvement organisation that also offers quality improvement and accreditation services. Our accreditation programme helps organisations meet global care quality standards.

6. Sharing best practice and innovation

We regularly share best practice and innovation through our annual programme of events for over 750 healthcare professionals.

7. Impartial advice and support

Our analytics and advice is impartial and confidential, founded on long-term partnerships and not driven by external influence from regulators or the need to publish. We are independent and supported by our impartial Advisory Group and Accreditation Council.

8. Triangulating disparate information for a more accurate view

We bring together intelligence and insight from across the organisation and external sources, using clinical, financial, site audit, staff and patient data at granular level to help you get a truly accurate view of performance and understand where improvements can be made.

9. International data and global standards

Our understanding of healthcare systems means we can help our customers apply best practice to improve quality, cost and safety. 

10. Award-winning clients outperform their contemporaries

Our Top Hospitals award motivates our clients to outperform. Our top performing clients have shorter length of stays, lower mortality rates and fewer readmissions*

*CHKS analysis of all UK acute trusts, March 2015