Leading for change at the CHKS Surveyor Update Day 2016Our annual surveyor update day will take place on 2nd March in London. With the theme of leadership, we are delighted to welcome one of our CHKS surveyors, Judith Knight as a speaker along with Roy Lilley, the well-known NHS commentator.

The Surveyor Update Day is an excellent opportunity for our surveyors to get together and share learning and experiences, as well as take time out away from the busy day job to reflect and consider new ideas.

Our surveyor team is a voluntary group of 100+ healthcare professionals, who are either clinicians or managers within a clinical area. Their experience extends from acute hospital services, to hospice and care home experience and primary care and imaging both in the NHS and independent sector to cover our extensive range of accreditation programmes.

Many have been through the accreditation process themselves and become committed and enthusiastic with the processes involved and with quality improvement. They enjoy networking with other healthcare providers and seeing organisations achieve good quality of care. The surveyors represent a wide range of experience and skills to support our accreditation programmes. After initial training, as well as the direct experience on survey, we provide our annual update day with speakers, and workshops to top up skills and knowledge followed by a networking dinner.

We are currently recruiting lay representative surveyors. This is a new element to our surveys but we want to bring in the patient or care perspective to our assessment as well as the clinical/professional one. If you know of anyone or an organization that may help us get in contact with potential volunteers please do get in contact directly or through the details on our website here.

Read more about our surveying and assessment process and on becoming a CHKS surveyor here
Our annual surveyor update day will take place on 2nd March in London. With the theme of leadership, we are delighted to welcome one of our CHKS surveyors, Judith Knight as a speaker along with Roy Lilley, the well-known NHS commentator. 
Get in touch to find out more

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