CHKS Top Hospitals 2019


Congratulations to the winners of CHKS Top Hospitals 2019 and thank you to everyone who attended.


Click here to watch highlights and interviews from the night.

Click here to view and download award photos from the night.
We were delighted to host the nineteenth annual Top Hospitals Awards on Wednesday 12th June at the Royal College of Physicians, London, an event that coincided with the 500th anniversary of the College.

Chris Baker, Chief Executive Officer, Capita Software, said: “It’s really important for CHKS and the health sector to bring people together to give people awards for true excellence. The CHKS Top Hospitals awards are data driven and reward organisations which have proved they are excellent. When I talk to people who have won awards here tonight, they all feel very proud and the ones who haven’t are given something to strive for. Recognising excellence is very important for the sector, but it has to be driven by data.”

The CHKS Top Hospitals Awards is the leading data-driven UK healthcare award ceremony and, as a result, has unrivalled credibility. The awards are considered a significant coup for the winning hospitals, who benefit from wide-ranging positive coverage in local, regional and trade media.
These prestigious awards recognise hospitals that are safer for patients, more effective, more efficient and have lower mortality. Click here for more information about what makes a ‘top hospital’, including performance percentages across a range of key indicators.  

As part of the 500th anniversary, the Royal College of Physicians recently created a new charter. The charter reaffirms the college’s commitment to excellence, to be the vanguard of research and innovation, and raise standards of patient care and physician training and education. 
CHKS considers all UK hospitals in England, Northern Ireland and Wales when judging the winners of the annual Top Hospitals Awards, escalating both the competition to win and the prestige in being victorious.

Click here for further details about the night.

Winners and shortlisted trusts can click here to download content, such as certificates, posters and web banners.