Many patients now view A&E as a rapid route to care regardless of the severity of their condition. The result is an increase in often inappropriate volumes of demand by patients who could be managed differently.

This puts an added strain on A&E resources and sometimes deflects attention from other patients whose conditions are more serious. Better understanding of the profile and flow of patients within urgent care is a key trigger to optimising the management of their care pathway.

The CHKS solution

A&E Care and Emergency Admissions helps acute Trusts’ emergency departments to better understand demand from patient flow and treatment pathways, to support them in optimising processes and planning resources.

What does it allow you to do?

  • Benchmark A&E demand and services 
  • View waiting time performance
  • Understand the quality of patient care
  • Track the quality of your A&E and Inpatient data
  • Profile patient demand and treatment pathways
  • Overlay staffing levels against hourly demands in A&E wards to improve resource planning
  • Highlight activity where treatment should take place in a more appropriate setting using A&E diagnosis, investigation and procedure information


See at a glance your A&E performance to help you understand the factors behind the growing use of A&E and improve efficiency
Understand the impact on patient outcomes
Identify ways that care could be redirected or resources scheduled more effectively to help you manage peaks in demand
Gives you fact based analytics to further engage primary and social care colleagues
Easy to use within the iCompare framework - with the option to customise filters, date and peers

Who is it for?

Urgent care teams and information or performance departments who need data available to them at a glance to help them make more informed decisions.

Find out more

Download the product sheet for more information