What is iCompare?

A New And Visionary Approach To Healthcare Information

A healthcare intelligence programme to give you an accurate view of your performance, risks and opportunities - giving you the evidence you need to drive change and help build a culture of transparency and openness. iCompare is used by CEOs, medical directors, directors of nursing, directors of finance, operations, chief information officers and informatics teams across the NHS.

The Most Intuitive Healthcare Analytics Service Available

iCompare puts actionable benchmarking insight at your fingertips by allowing you to create your own performance indicators and dashboards - turning patient safety, finance, quality and assurance data into insight.

A Cloud Based Performance Monitoring And Benchmarking Programme

iCompare uses the latest data processing technology to deliver a fast, flexible and responsive information service that drives improvement.

What can iCompare do?


Collecting Data Has Changed

  • Easy to navigate user interface
  • Simple menu driven wizards for defining viewing preferences
  • User defined views, peer groups and charting options
  • Unique clustering functionality
  • Custom dashboards can be built by the user

Customise Dashboards

Flexibility to create and customise your own dashboards and scorecards with the option to edit, access and disseminate reports.

Analyse performance by key indicators, division, specialty and see your position within a carefully selected peer group.

Analyses Data In Seconds

iCompare has the capacity to analyse unlimited data and indicators from disparate sources together in one place.

iCompare analyses data in seconds. Enhanced processing technology means reports are quick to set up and run.

New datasets can be added very quickly.


Create Performance Indicators To Suit You

iCompare provides the big picture, as well patient level information. It allows  early detection of performance variation so you can investigate and act quickly.

iCompare allows you to pursue root cause analysis by clustering and aggregating data.


Benchmark Yourself Against Others

Single indicator view with chart carousel provides a quick view of all charts and allows drill-down to patient level information.

iCompare monitors and benchmarks performance by key indicators, division, specialty and local peers.

iCompare facilitates a variety of performance views including; shape analysis, time series, bar chart, heat map and tables.

Why is iCompare different?

iCompare Quickly Cuts Through Reams Of Data.

It quickly cuts through reams of disparate data to find the answers you’re looking for - giving you exactly what you need, just when you need it.

iCompare Puts You In Control

iCompare lets you create a personalised information programme that identifies new trends and interrelationships – rather than confirming what you already know.

iCompare Helps You Make Better And Faster Decisions

By offering both breadth and depth of intelligence and market-leading benchmarking technology, iCompare helps you get on with the job of delivering better care.

Who is it for?

Chief Executive

As the chief executive, you need to provide assurance to patients, staff and wider stakeholders that you are delivering high quality, safe services for patients and value for money for commissioners.

You need reliable and actionable information at your fingertips to help you make decisions and improve services. iCompare does the hard work for you. It shows performance at a glance, can be configured to report on priority indicators and is set up to allow rapid investigation of potential issues.

Medical Director

Accurate, timely and trusted information will help you demonstrate that your trust is delivering safe services and also inform service improvement.

Whether reviewing performance at site, specialty or consultant level, iCompare cuts through the noise to give you the information you need, exactly when you need it. Reports are quick to create and share, and availability of patient level data supports rapid investigation.

Operations Director

You need accurate, robust and timely information that enables you to improve services and ensure that capacity meets demand – both now and in the future.

iCompare helps you understand current performance and identify the opportunities for improvement that lead to better patient outcomes and a better patient experience.

Director of performance and information

Making sense of vast amounts of disparate data can be challenging and time consuming. You need timely and actionable information that is trusted and supports decision making.  

iCompare allows you to quickly analyse unlimited data and indicators together in one place. It lets you create a personalised information programme that identifies new trends and interrelationships – rather than confirming what you already know. With the flexibility to create, customise and export your own reports, and even add new datasets, iCompare provides information teams with advanced healthcare analytics and reporting capability.


A&E Care And Emergency Admissions

Many patients view A&E as a rapid route to care regardless of the severity of their condition. The result is an increase in often inappropriate volumes of demand by patients who could be managed differently.

iCompare’s A&E Care and Emergency Admissions helps emergency departments better understand demand from patient flow and treatment pathways, helping you to optimise processes and plan resources.

View and benchmark your A&E performance at a glance and identify ways that care could be redirected or resources scheduled more effectively to help you manage peaks in demand.

What Does iCompare Allow You To Do?

  • View waiting time performance by day of the week and time of arrival at A&E
  • Track individual provider sites against a series of indicators Profile patient demand and treatment pathways
  • Identify activity where treatment should take place in a more appropriate setting

Would like to find out more?

To arrange a no-obligation demonstration or find out more, please contact us on 0333 241 2432 or info@chks.co.uk