Is there a difference in mortality rates between the first and second waves of Covid-19?After all the grim news of the last year about the toll that the Coronavirus pandemic has taken, the UK’s Covid-19 vaccine programme and falling death rates are certainly cause for celebration. CHKS is building a model to enable healthcare providers to understand the mortality variances between hospitals across the country during the pandemic and the reasons for them. 
Covid-19 is excluded from standard risk-adjusted mortality models, so CHKS has developed a way to compare in-hospital mortality rates specifically for patients with confirmed Covid-19.  The model allows hospitals to compare their actual deaths with the number they would expect given the case mix (age and sex) of their Covid-19 cases.
Our data shows that the likelihood of someone dying in hospital from Covid-19 reduced substantially between the first and second wave of the pandemic. During wave one (March-April 2020), the most frequently admitted hospital patient with Covid-19 was aged between 75 and 85. Almost half of them (47%) died from their illness. During wave two (Nov--Dec 2020), this figure fell to just over a third (36%).
How risks changed between the first and second wave:
People of all ages are now less likely to die from Covid-19 in hospital, but the risk remains higher than for other serious conditions The risk of dying from Covid-19 in hospital has fallen most for younger patients. For example, the risk halved for those less than 55 years old Both the overall risk and the shape of the risk-age curve changed significantly between the waves.   
By benchmarking this information, we are building a model to help hospitals really understand how they perform in relation to Covid-19 deaths.
We’ll continue to update our model with data from January and February 2021, allowing healthcare professionals to understand the effect of new Covid-19 variants from December 2020 onwards.
You can read our detailed report here.
To find out how we can help you to gain better insights into Covid-19 mortality rates in your area you can reach us at 

After all the grim news of the last year about the toll that the Coronavirus pandemic has taken, the UK’s Covid-19 vaccine programme and falling death rates are certainly cause for celebration. 
Get in touch to find out more

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