CHKS 2015 Top Hospitals excellence in accident and emergency care award

What is the CHKS excellence in accident and emergency care award?
This award is part of the annual CHKS Top Hospitals awards programme. Every NHS trust in England is eligible for the award.
What is the Top Hospitals awards programme?
This awards programme is now in its 15th year and showcases excellence within the NHS and recognises staff commitment to delivering high quality care. There are awards for patient safety, quality of care and data quality which are open to all NHS trusts.
How is the accident and emergency care award decided?
The award is made on the basis of an initial analysis of 28 experience and outcome measures. Six shortlisted trusts are then invited to submit a detailed entry using a questionnaire which is then considered by a panel of expert judges. The judges visit three shortlisted trusts and decide on a winner.
How are the outcome measures determined?
The judging panel worked with experts at CHKS to determine the measures used. They were divided into domains for clinical outcomes and patient experience.
Clinical outcomes included:
  • Department of Health indicators for A & E departments (e.g. waiting times for treatment and patients leaving without treatment)
  • Rate of excess admissions from A & E (patients with ambulatory care sensitive conditions who were subsequently discharged alive within 24 hours)
  • Results from the national audit of sepsis care undertaken by the Royal College of Emergency Medicine.
  • Case mix adjusted survival figures from the Trauma Audit and Research Network national audit
  • Patient experience included:
  • Results of the Care Quality Commission patient experience surveys (A & E departments)
  • Results of the Friends and Family surveys (A & E departments)
Who is on the award panel?
  • Dr Clifford Mann, president, Royal College of Emergency Medicine
  • Professor Keith Willett, national director for acute episodes of care, NHS England
  • Janet Davies, executive director, Royal College of Nursing
What happens on the judging panel visits?
The half day visits explore in more detail elements of the detailed questionnaire and the panel meets teams to see the submission in practice.
When will the awards be held?
The awards ceremony will take place on Tuesday 19 May at Draper’s Hall in London. You can find out about previous winners here:

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