CHKS Clinical Coding and Data Quality Conference 2017

The role of clinical coding in 2018 – supporting transformation, delivering innovation 
11 October, King's Fund, London

This conference brought together national bodies, professional leads, clinicians, clinical coders, healthcare providers, commissioners and insurers to consider the role of clinical coding and data in a changing NHS and its importance in ensuring it accurately reflects the quality of patient care delivered.

Discussion themes included:

  • The importance of data quality for supporting integration and transformation plans (STPs)
  • How do we accurately measure quality and service delivery across organisations?
  • The reality of using coded data to support the transformation of services
  • Making better use of existing systems – producing accurate coding from other data
  • Can clinicians code? How far should clinical engagement go?
  • Real life examples of innovation and improvement
  • Six months in - practical lessons on using HRG4+

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CHKS Clinical Coding and Data Quality Conference 2016

Good quality data to transform healthcare
12 October 2016, King's Fund, London

The conference brought together national bodies, professional leads, clinicians, clinical coders, healthcare providers, commissioners and insurers to discuss the future direction, wider use of, and impact of healthcare data in both the NHS and private healthcare sectors.

Discussion themes included:

  • National updates on coding and data quality and their importance to tariff development and financial viability
  • New models of care, the Carter report and the impact of the quality information
  • The introduction of HRG4+ and how it will influence payment and price
  • Engaging with clinicians to ensure data truly reflects the care delivered
  • Future developments and their implications: SNOMED CT, ICD-11, and electronic patient records
  • Going beyond admitted patient care – the importance of accurate data across all acute service
  • The NHS outside England – sharing learning, experiences and good practice from Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales
  • Addressing the challenges posed last year by Roy Lilley in his closing address: can we be more innovative in the way we capture and use data in the NHS?

CHKS Data Quality and Clinical Coding Conference 2015

Promoting quality, value and transparency - the role of healthcare coding and data
6th October 2015
King's Fund, Cavendish Square, London W1A 0AX

Over 130 attendees from across the UK gathered at the King's Fund in London for the CHKS Data Quality and Clinical Coding Conference 2015. The conference was designed to bring healthcare information and coding professionals together from national, NHS and private healthcare organisations. We discussed and shared knowledge on key developments and initiatives in improving data quality to maximise the use of information, promoting quality, value and transparency in healthcare.

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View a clip from the conference in 2015 where Roy Lilley shares his views on clinical coding in the NHS.

CHKS Clinical Coding and Data Quality Conference 2014

Getting the numbers right: Improving the quality of healthcare coding, performance and finance data
7th October 2014
King's Fund, Cavendish Sqaure, London W1A 0AX

Over 130 people from across the country with an interest in clinical coding and data quality gathered for the CHKS Clinical Coding and Data Quality Conference last week at the King's Fund. Attendees had the opportunity to learn more about national coding developments, how the payment system is developing and the importance of data quality to local organisations, as well as to take away practical ideas to improve clinical engagement and data quality in their own organisations through networking with other NHS professionals.

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I attended the Coding Conference in London on Tuesday and thought it was fantastic.  It was nice to finally attend a conference where the speakers were well informed and the content was meaningful.

Clinical Coding & Audit Manager