More about our Council Members

Membership and brief biographical details



Elizabeth Fenton OBE
Deputy Chief Nurse, Health Education England

Starting her nursing career at Kings College Hospital joining the nursing register in 1981, Liz has held a variety of operational, managerial and leadership roles in health and care, including at Executive Director level and is currently the Deputy Chief Nurse for Health Education England.  Passionate about nursing and improving outcomes for patients, Liz also acts as a specialist advisor with the Care Quality Commission and as a member of the Community Hospitals Association leadership team supports the work of these community facilities and champions the development of the evidence base to inform best practice.

Hayley Hall

Hayley has held a wide range of roles related to quality assurance and clinical governance she changed her career in early 2020 to focus on self-employment. This has led to a wide variety of ad-hoc and sessional roles related to public and patient engagement and involvement. Hayley now works with a variety of organisations including the University of Central Lancashire, the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, and The Health Foundation.  Her work focuses on ensuring that research and service provision considers the lived experiences of service users, patients, carers and their families and that ethical issues have been considered. In early 2021 she was appointed a public member of the NIHR EME funding committee and a member of its Strategy Advisory Committee in November 2021.
Hayley supports the Health and Care Professionals Council in their approval and monitoring work, providing advice on how education providers have engaged with service users in the provision and delivery of their education and training programmes. Finally, as a lay examiner, she works with both the Royal College of Surgeons and Royal College Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, assessing candidates’ professionalism and ability to communicate effectively with patients, relatives, and colleagues.
Hayley also has a range of voluntary roles, including being a community engagement volunteer with her local Healthwatch, being an active part of the Royal College of Physicians Patient and Carer Network and being a member of the Research Advisory Group at the University Hospital Warwick & Coventry NHS Trust.



Gerard Crofton-Martin
Director of Transformation and Improvement,
Social Care Institute for Excellence


Gerard has worked on improvement & transformation programmes for over 10 years and leads SCIE’s national work in this area. This includes leading a multimillion-pound work programme supporting Government Departments in England and Northern Ireland with adult social care improvement and transformation, as well as  programmes covering coproduction, workforce development, and  Social Care Wales' knowledge management programme. Gerard is also the Programme Director for SCIE’s Safeguarding audit and review programme.

Gerard has been a member of a number of advisory Boards, for example the Health & Care Publications Advisory Board   which oversaw official and national statistics publications across the sector, the Strategic Oversight Board for and the National Information Board. 



Gabrielle Stanley
Former Lecturer/Specialist in
Paediatric DEntistry, Birmingham University.  Hospice Trustee

Gabrielle Stanley was a Specialist Paediatric Dentist in Hospitals, Community Health Centres and at Birmingham University.  She is now retired from Dentistry.  As an Associate Spepcialist  and University Lecturer, she treated patients at Birmingham Children's Hospital and lectured, gave seminars and took part in clinical supervision of dental students at Birmingham University School of Dentistry, running the Paediatric Dentistry course on a day to day basis for a number of years.

She has a particular interest in Health Promotion (MSc BCU 1993) and has lectured to nurses, health visitors, dentists and dental students.  She has also organised Oral  Health Promotion events in the West Midlands.

She was a Trustee and board member of Birmingham St Mary's Hospice 1995-2015, Vice Chair of the Hospice 1994-2004, Chair of the Strategy & Resources Committee, a member of the Health and Safety sub-committee and the Trustee who carried out unannounced inspections of the Hospice.  She is now the Hospice Community Ambasdor for Faith and Belief and an Association Member of the Hospice.  The Hospice is a 25 bed voluntary hospice which has a team of Specialist Community Palliative Care Nurses who make home visits and see  patients in Commnity Hubs in GP centres.  There is also a Hospice at Home team.

Gabrielle is an Honorary Governor of the Blue Coat School, Birmingham and is the Safeguarding Representative for the church she attends.  She is Chair of the Housing Management Company where she lives.













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