Improving performance in data quality at East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust

Improving performance in data quality

Improving performance in data quality at East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust

Signpost has given a significant boost to the drive for improvements in data quality at East & North Hertfordshire NHS Trust. The Trust is using Signpost through its clinical efficiency work streams to spotlight areas where improvements could be made. The Trust's coding department is also using Signpost to measure performance against the Depth and Data Quality index.

Keith Broughton, Data Quality Improvement Manager, says: "We have particular issues surrounding length of stay across all specialties. Patients staying in hospital any longer than necessary means ward beds are not being used to optimum capacity. Signpost is helping us to analyse the length of time patients spend in hospital and identify where the length of stay can be reduced. The result is that more patients can be treated and discharged."
Signpost is used at different levels across the Trust, providing easy access to user-specific information for consultants, clinicians, managers and information analysts. Analysis of clinical coding ensures the correct coding is input to produce the corresponding HRG, which is reflected in the trim point. Signpost is also informing staff training, for example in the use of the Estimated Discharge Date.
Keith Broughton says: "We have found that Signpost is easier to use compared with comparable products. Data updates can be achieved after correcting incorrect data. It is not fixed to secondary user service updates and freeze dates. Also, data can be sent at any time to update historic data. Signpost is also providing our Clinical Coding Manager with vital support in ensuring coding is of the highest standard and depth."

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"We have particular issues surrounding length of stay across all specialties. Patients staying in hospital any longer than necessary means ward beds are not being used to optimum capacity. Signpost is helping us to analyse the length of time patients spend in hospital and identify where the length of stay can be reduced. The result is that more patients can be treated and discharged."

Data Quality Improvement Manager, East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust