How are top hospitals different?

Since 2001, we have been proud to celebrate achievement in healthcare quality and improvement through our Top Hospital awards.

These awards include national awards for patient safety, quality of care, patient experience, data quality and new for 2017; healthcare efficiency, which are decided based on an analysis of publicly available data sets – and an international award for quality improvement. 

We also recognise our top performing client trusts in the CHKS Top Hospitals award. Our Top Hospitals award winners perform better than the others.

Here shows the percentage difference in performance on a series of key indicators amongst our 2017 winners:

  • 26% fewer planned elective procedures not carried out
  • 7% lower c-difficile rate (over 2 years)
  • 4% lower mortality index (risk-adjusted)
  • 5% shorter length of stay (risk-adjusted)
  • 3% lower misadventure rate (ICD-based)
  • Better on 50% of patient safety indicators

If all hospitals achieved the same average performance as top hospitals, then across England, Wales and Northern Ireland there would be:

  • 4,000 fewer patient mis-adventures
  • 2,100 fewer cancelled procedures
  • 4,400 more beds available
  • 1.6m fewer bed days required

Our 2017 winners will be announced on 10th May at One Great George Street, London. To find out more about the event, please click here

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