Our system was created as a solution to the challenge of managing large numbers of CCG contracts.

Designed and built with CCG partners the document management system is tailored to the specific needs of a CCG and contains full audit trail, version control and back up so nothing is ever lost. The system imports contracts in any format for archival and can be integrated with third party systems to provide automated tracking.


  • Provides a single source of reference for every CCG contract
  • System automation reduces admin burden and frees up staff time for higher value work
  • Cloud or N3 hosting allows access to vital contract data whenever and from wherever you need it, and from any device
  • Comprehensive reporting within and across financial years

Budgets and claims
CCGs need to manage finances on multiple levels from individual practices to health economy level. Our system offers sophisticated analytics and data management capability to ensure you have all the financial information you need exactly when you need it.

This includes:

  • Drill down functionality from practice-level budgets to individual patient costs
  • The ability to set and track budgets
  • Web based financial reports for clinicians, practice managers, commissioners and accountants 
  • Transparent and simple support for pre or post-reconciliation
  • Matching PBC costs to the commissioner’s ledger position