
The commissioning landscape is changing dramatically and having pioneered healthcare intelligence in the acute sector, we are firmly establishing ourselves as the best provider of insight and quality improvement services for primary care. Our healthcare intelligence services are now being accessed by commissioners throughout the NHS.

Building on our existing skills, experience and primary care relationships, we have created a range of intelligence-driven products and services aimed at meeting the requirements of all stakeholders. We’ve used the central strategies outlined in High Quality Care for All; the structure of the World Class Commissioning Assurance Framework and NHS Institute World Class Commissioning Data Pack to develop relevant solutions that focus on clinical quality, safety and effectiveness.

Our new analyser web tools provide a fast, easy to use analysis of key performance areas and highlight potential efficiency gains.
Admissions Analyser uses PCT data to scrutinise elective and emergency admissions, calculating the cost of any variance between expected and actual admissions. It is a powerful decision-support tool that can be used to highlight opportunities for cost saving and service improvement. Unique analytics capability allows users to adjust for population factors and interrogate by HRG, procedure and condition to provide the most accurate view of admissions. To find out how Admissions Analyser can help you reduce cost and inform service planning, download the full fact sheet here.
Prescribing Analyser evaluates prescribing trends by drug type to reveal expected and actual volumes of prescribing – along with the associated cost of any variance. With a built-in adjustment feature to reflect demographic differences in local populations, Prescribing Analyser is a highly effective tool for identifying potential cost savings and areas of concern in the health of your local population.
For more information on our suite of Analyser products, call us on 01789 761 600.