CHKS Quality of Care Study Day at Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust

Join us at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust – winners of the CHKS Quality of Care Award 2016 for a day of learning, networking and sharing best practice on some of the key issues facing NHS Trusts today around delivering quality of care for patients.

Through a mix of informative and interactive sessions, delegates will have the opportunity to listen, learn and share what good looks like and how to get there.
Date: Tuesday 29 November 2016
Venue: The Robens Suite, Guy's Hospital, Great Maze Pond, London SE1 9RT
Times: 9.30am – 4.20pm with registration from 9am
Why attend?
  • See how Guys and St Thomas’ are tackling key issues around mortality and safety and the importance of leadership
  • Find out what makes a top hospital through using data and benchmarking to help drive care quality improvement
  • Learn more about new emerging networks supporting hospitals
  • Discover how human factors thinking can inform all aspects of healthcare


“Quality and patient safety are a central part of our business. It’s a fantastic feeling to have won this award and it is great to be acknowledged that we seem to be doing okay. We know how hard our staff work to deliver the best possible care for our patients and winning this award is a great recognition for their efforts. However, this is just the start of the improvement journey for us and we know there is lots more we can be doing and can be done better.” – Listen here to Adrian Hopper, Deputy Medical Director, Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust.
This is a FREE to attend study day aimed at directors of nursing, directors of quality, medical directors, operations, and/or anyone with an interest in the quality of care for patients, currently working for an NHS organisation. We have a limited number of places available so please register your place early. We will limit places to a maximum of two per organisation.

Please register your place below or email us at to find out more.

For advice and further information email