CHKS Accreditation Programme for Addiction Treatment Services 2012

This is the second edition of the CHKS Accreditation Programme for Addiction Treatment Services where there is a focus on psychosocial rehabilitation. It builds on the success of the previous service specific CHKS standards for Addiction Treatment Services which formed part of the CHKS Standards for International Hospitals (2nd edition, 2006) and incorporates current national and professional guidance, bringing together standards of best practice for psychosocial rehabilitation and recovery of people with an addiction. The programme provides a framework for organisations to work towards and to subsequently gain external recognition for this achievement.

What's new?

A significant advance forward in this development is the inclusion of evidence based standards, which have been linked to process methodology. Whilst it is acknowledged that the references identified in the criteria are primarily to UK legislation, local differences may apply which may impact upon standard interpretation. In this case, evidence should be submitted to assure the external peer review team that the organisation is meeting both national and CHKS requirements within the context and spirit of the standards and criteria.
These latest standards address our main developments around service user safety, experience and outcomes within a context of robust and apparent governance. The standards include essential elements concerning systems, processes and environment but also introduce a focus on statistical and quality outcomes and request specific documentary evidence on processes such as risk management, infection control, staff training, complaints and areas of care management. Significantly, the standards are applicable to healthcare organisations whether they are provided by a private or publically funded organisation. 

Standards contents list

SECTION 1: Organisational leadership and management
SECTION 2: Risk and Service User Safety
SECTION 3: Service Delivery
SECTION 4: Service User Centred Care
SECTION 5: Rehabilitative Addiction Treatment Services
SECTION 6: Facilities Management 

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