CHKS Accreditation Programme for Acute Services: Patient Focused Care 2013

This is the first edition of the CHKS Accreditation Programme for Acute Services: Patient Focused Care. It is the latest addition to the series of modules from which organisations can select to build a bespoke accreditation programme to meet their particular priorities.
The Patient Focused Care module builds on the service, care planning and delivery standards from the NHS Trusts 4th edition, 2005, the CHKS standards for Independent Healthcare Providers, 5th edition, December 2006, and the CHKS International Standards 2010, and incorporates current national and professionally recognised guidance. This module aims to pull together best practice standards, to provide a comprehensive framework for organisations to work towards and subsequently to gain external recognition for this achievement through the CHKS Accreditation Awards Panel. 

What's new?

This module follows the same pattern as each of the modules and includes indicators and criteria, although in this module we have incorporated the evidence required within the previously termed ‘evidence criteria’ to reduce the overall volume of criteria. Indicators are included which require data which is routinely collected as part of operational working and will allow organisations to benchmark their performance against comparable units. Other indicators are specified to demonstrate improvements over time.
The criteria within the standards are referenced to the current requirements from the Care Quality Commission but these standards are more reflective of best practice and less on mandatory requirements. Changes and developments in quality assurance and improvement programmes nationally and internationally have also influenced changes to the standards.
Although the standards continue to include those essential elements concerning systems, processes and environment we have focused on quantitative and qualitative outcomes and request specific information from participating organisations. 

Standards contents list

Standard 1: Indicators for Patient Focused Care
Standard 2: Referral, Admissions and Outpatients
Standard 3: Diagnostic Investigation
Standard 4: Care Planning and Treatment
Standard 5: Invasive Procedures and Interventions
Standard 6: Post Procedure Care
Standard 7: Post Discharge
Standard 8: Emergency Care
Standard 9: Specialist Care
Standard 10: Paediatrics and Adolescence services
Standard 11: Care at the end of life
Standard 12: Mortuary Service
Standard 13 : Assisted Conception Service
Standard 15: Mental Health Services
Standard 17: Service Management
Standard 18: Environment and Equipment
Standard 19: Working with Corporate Standards
A wide variety of sources were used to develop the CHKS Accreditation Programme for Acute Services: Patient Focused Care.

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